what’s in my doula bag
“What do you bring with you to a birth?”
Clients often want to know what sort of tools their doula will have on-hand when labor begins. Just about every birth worker has an “on-call” bag that is ready to go when, well, they’re on-call. Just like birth workers themselves, no two bags are the same. Every birth worker will have a different style and different tools that they prefer. It might also vary from client to client. A birth worker’s on-call bag will also have personal items such as a change of clothes, toothbrush, and toothpaste just in case they need to freshen up. Every client and birth teaches me something new, so the contents of my bag evolve as I do.
Here’s what I have in my on-call bag for my clients:
handheld massage tools for when hands get tired
rice packs that can be heated up in the microwave or thrown in the freezer
extra hair ties and bobby pins
several unopened chapsticks
a long scarf for certain pain management techniques
affirmation cards for encouragement
a mirror if you’d like to see your progress during the pushing stage
a copy of your birth preferences, birth plan, or birth map
Here’s what I have for myself:
a change of clothes - birth involves a lot of fluids and you never know where they’ll end up
reusable water bottle
hand sanitizer and a clean mask
toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash
charging cable for my phone
a small notebook, pens, highlighter, and sharpie
a copy of The Birth Partner - nice to have on hand to review something quickly
Above all else, my most important tools are my hands, my voice, and my heart. I am confident in my ability to support my clients with the barest minimum, should the situation arise.