How have you been preparing for birth so far? It’s likely you’ve taken a class, read a few books, and googled everything you can think of. All that thinking and planning (while important) keeps you in your logical and analytical left brain. As you near the end of pregnancy and your birthing time, you begin to make a radical shift into your intuitive and primal right brain. 

One of the best ways to tap into that side of your brain is by creating art. Art is messy, unpredictable, and fluid - just like birth and parenthood! This practice isn’t about making a masterpiece - it is about self-realization through the process of creation. Here are just a few of the opportunities you will have during your sessions: 

  • Explore new ideas to prepare for your birth, postpartum, or parenthood experience 

  • Connect with your intuition and inner wisdom

  • Address hidden anxieties or fears

  • Explore personal assumptions or expectations around this transition 

  • Process a past birth experience 

  • Foster a deeper connection and trust between you and your baby

We will not be analyzing your creations or offering diagnoses during these sessions. You do not need any artistic skill or experience to participate. No one is expected or required to share their art or insights. 

The prompts we work with come from Birthing from Within, an organization founded by Pam England. 

Due to the nature of these sessions, please arrange care for small children and non-nursing babies during our time together.


Bring this experience to the comfort and privacy of your own home at your convenience. Your partner or birth companion is welcome to join! 

Investment: $50, all materials included


Sunday, April 27 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Join a group of local parents in taking some time to connect with your baby and each other. At the end of our session, there will be a group discussion where you will be invited to share what you have learned if you are comfortable doing so. 

Investment: $15 per person, all materials included. Seating is limited.